Monday, October 24, 2011

Football: impact on my life

There is so much I could talk about theese past years but the one that impacted my life the most would be football. Ever since I was little all I remember was playing football with my dad. I would wake up and go outside and play catch. The sport of football have impacted my life and there is nothing other than football that could create such an impact on my life. I started playing football for my school during 8th grade. When I played modified I remember that I played tight end and defensive back. My JV years my number was 13 and I played WR and Free safety. There was one thing I always looked up towrds to and that was the varisty team. I remember being so excited when i was a junior because I always loved to watch the varisty games. My number for varisty is 84. Football had so many impacts on my life including that it brought me closer to my classmates. Going to all the practices and working hard really brought all of us together. When I look back and 20 years I will remember all of my fellow teamates because we all worked hard and fought through the pain together. Another reason football changed my life was by creating a second family that I know who will always have my back. I look up too all of my coaches and owe them everything. My coaches changed my life and impacted so that I will be a better person in the world. Without my coaches I dont know what I would do. Football is one of the few reason I live the way I do.  There isnt one day I go without thinking or playing football. Football will always be one of the greatest things I have in my life.  After my Football career has ended I will continue to show support for my team and will always remember the great moments me and my fellow teamates shared.

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