Thursday, February 9, 2012

Timmy and the wild Horses

For the next blog we have to do the same thing as out last blog. We have to look at a picture and create a story at the top of our heads. So here goes nothing.  One night little Timmy an 8 year old boy laid asleep in the silent night. He dreamed about running with wild horses on a sandy beach. He fell asleep so fast that night because he had a long day and was ready to go to bed. He spent his whole day with his beautiful mother Wendy.  They spent the whole day on the beach swimming and making sand castles. Timmy got hungry so his mom took him to the snack line so he could get something to eat. Timmy wanted ice cream so he ordered a small vanilla cone with strawberry sprinkles.  While Timmy was in line he heard an older man talking about horses and how they ran on the beach sometimes. The whole day Timmy searched looking for the wild horses. He really only wanted to see the horses and he spent all of his time looking. He told his mom about the horses and she didn’t believe him. Timmy did everything he could to make his mom believe him. Timmy ran around the whole beach searching for these horses. He would ask strangers about the horses and no one knew what he was talking about. Timmy still believed that the old man knew what he was talking about so he continued his searching. Well Timmy’s mom told him that it was time to leave. Timmy didn’t like what he heard so he threw a fit and demanded they stayed. However they left and the whole car ride back Timmy thought about the horses. They got back late so Timmy went straight to bed and dreamed about the horses.

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