Monday, January 9, 2012

School Break

Well one thing that I always look forward to each school year is Christmas break. I know that many people always look forward to the holidays because of the break. I work so hard during school so a break is well needed. I am constantly doing a lot of work and studying for all my classes so over break I don’t even think about school. I always take holiday break as a time to relax and enjoy everything that happens to me and my family. Well as break got closer the more I looked forward to no school and the days got longer and school seemed to drag along. When the last bell went of it was the best feeling I got because I know I got week of so I can enjoy it the way I want to. This year’s break was successful because I had a lot of fun and got a lot of gifts from my family and friends. The different things I did over break was hang out with my friends that I could normally not do because I am busy with all my work.  Another thing that I did over break was watch a lot of sports and played Xbox with friends. I had a lot of fun and made a lot of memories that I wouldn’t forget. I was hardly at my house and rarely slept in my own bed. The one thing that I loved about break was that the weather was nice and I didn’t snow. It was nice that it didn’t snow because I could do stuff outside and not be stuck inside all day. The one thing I did over break that I have to change was eating a lot of junk food. This break was one the better breaks in my opinion.

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